Thursday, May 05, 2005

Heaven and Nowhere Else

God blesses us with things that can take us to where he wants us to be. Indeed, in the Bible, the Eucharist and in prayer, we have those wonderful things that can take us to the special place God has prepared for us. See and enjoy this poem from the heart, be refreshed by the blessing and grace of saying yes to God.

To you, Lord, my yesterday, my today,
Years have I known your precious way.
Will I ever find a better way?
Nothing will stop this now!!

Ever with you I will be,
No one can turn me anywhere else.
My work, my hands, I offer thee,
Surrender my breath and heart to thee.

I know your road may be narrow,
But popularity is not for me.
I may lose friends on the way,
But your eternal promises are too great.

How can I lose my inheritance?
How can I abandon those paths of truth?
No man ever has known a better heaven,
Your thunder and power descending on me.

Halleluiah to the God above,
Amen to your will in me.
Today, tomorrow, time has no end,
His reign is for ever.

A smile, a touch, a warm embrace,
Your presence fills me up.
May my work be ashes,
And my body a burning ember.

My flesh be your slave,
My desire tested in your fire.
I shall never be alone,
As long as you love me.

O look dear people at that everlasting love,
Far from all the things of earth,
Turn to the great, keep him as your goal,
And all things else shall come your way.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure in a field. A man sells everything he has and goes back and buys that field."
Matthew 13:44

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